How to Combat Burnout as a Solo Entrepreneur


Woof - this blog post is brought to you by the hard learned lessons I have experienced as a solo entrepreneur. Can working for yourself be magical and freeing and amazing? Absolutely. Can it also be tiring, draining, and difficult? Ohhhhh yes it can. Does that mean I would ever trade my life as a self-employed artist for anything else? No way! Here are some steps I have found to be helpful in combating burnout. While we may all pass through that phase at some point, these are tools that help me not return to the burnout pit again and again. 

  1. Establish Boundaries: Clearly define your work hours, and stick to them. I know this can be hard, and there are seasons when I do still have to stretch the days, but overall setting clear boundaries around when I work has been hugely beneficial in helping me avoid burnout. 

  2. Prioritize Self-Care: This can look like a lot of different things to each person, but making sure to take care of your physical, mental and emotional well-being is key. For me, that looks like prioritizing my sleep, staying active (hello afternoon walks with the pup!), getting a monthly massage, and unplugging for the weekend. Whatever it is that relaxes and recharges you, make sure to make time for it!

  3. Outsource or Delegate: You’ll hear people say often that they wish they had done this one sooner, and you can go ahead and add my name to that list. I began outsourcing administrative tasks and production work this year, and it has been life changing. There are some things that only I can do, and some things I really enjoy doing. I want to make more time for that, and remove the things that are time consuming or that I don’t personally NEED to be a part of. Outsourcing can free up your time and mental energy for your artistic work! Want to dig in deeper to what I outsource and why? Check out this blog post

  4. Learn to Say No: This is a tough one, but it is important to recognize your limits. Whether it is saying no to a client that is just not a good fit, or saying no to taking on “just one more” project during an already insanely busy season, saying no can be a powerful game changer. Think of it as saying YES to yourself and prioritizing your needs. 

  5. Reflect and Adjust:  Regularly assess how you’re feeling and what direction your business is headed in. If you are noticing signs of burnout, then it is probably time to make adjustments to your routine, workload or strategies to better align with what you need. When I made the shift from primarily creating wedding signage, to focusing on custom wedding invitations and my retail line, I was saying no to a huge portion of my income. Yet I have not once regretted that decision because I am now better aligned with my long term goals, have a better balance between my work and personal life, and am able to give my all to things I am passionate about. Check in with yourself regularly!

There are many other strategies that can help you combat burnout, but these are a few ways that changed the game for me. I have learned that avoiding burnout is an ongoing process, and it may take a bit of experimentation to find what works best for you. Don’t hesitate to adjust your approach as you go! We will be cheering you on!