The Magic of Manifesting


This time last year, I had just completed a manifestation course suggested to me by one of my long-time friends and fellow creative entrepreneur, Asheligh (of Ashleigh Taylor Portrait). She’s a rockstar photographer that I have had the joy of knowing for a long, long time. I’ve watched her successfully grow and transform her business and her life, so when she shared this opportunity with me, I knew I had to go for it. 

I went into the experience with an open mind and an open heart. The past few years have been turbulent ones, for all of us, but we had been facing some personal challenges in addition to all of the big worldly ones. Despite all of the trials, I felt a deep calling to align my life with the one I saw when I closed my eyes. To not only chase after my dreams, but also that peace I felt when I thought about our future. 

I won’t go into all of the details of the program (you can find more information here if you’re interested), but I will share that the piece that made the biggest impact for me was the mindset work. Having a shift in my mindset around money, success, and failure was huge. I went through exercises to identify what blockages I was personally holding on to, and got to work on clearing them. Looking back a year later, I can see now that this shift opened the door to that abundance and flow that I was looking for. 

It was hard work to ask and answer these big questions - what were my limiting beliefs around money? What does success look like? What wounds were making me feel unsafe to receive and achieve? I spent time each day reflecting on these questions and journaling, cracking open parts of me that I had forgotten about. Healing old wounds that I had been subconsciously carrying around. 

When I sat down to reflect on 2023, I was astounded by all of the growth and movement towards my big, outlandish goals and dreams. I had made vision boards in the past, and listed out goals each year, but this year was different. Big shifts started to happen, and it felt like the universe was listening. It was conspiring with me – we were working together. It felt like magic. 

I haven’t achieved my full vision, which I am sure will always be changing, but wow - things really fell into alignment this year. Manifesting is more than just writing down goals and going on with your life. It takes work. It’s a process of giving and receiving. And it’s kind of magical.